
世界杯官方app下载(世界杯官方app)维护着世界杯官方app网站.utsa.,为学生、员工和外部支持者提供服务. 世界杯官方app制定本隐私声明是为了表明我们对隐私的坚定承诺,并解决对所收集的信息类型以及如何将其用于世界杯官方app官方网站所有页面的担忧. Some University websites may have additional policies and practices regarding privacy posted on their respective sites. The following discloses 世界杯官方app’s information gathering and dissemination practices for this website: libweb.jinge0888.com.

1. 世界杯官方app收集和处理的个人信息

网页可能会收集个人身份信息, 申请入学或工作, 调查或其他自愿提供的资料可能包括:

  1. 互联网位置(互联网域名和正在使用的计算机IP地址);
  2. 用于访问我们网站的浏览器和操作系统类型;
  3. Date and time site was visited;
  4. 在我们的网站上请求和访问的网页;
  5. 在我们的搜索引擎上使用的搜索词;
  6. 用于填写表格的个人身份信息,如姓名, email address, address, phone number, date of birth, place of birth, student ID number, social security number, photograph, 信用卡号码或其他实物, psychological, genetic, mental, economic, 这个人的文化或社会身份.

此信息用于响应用户查询, 以监察我们网页的浏览情况, site access, internal evaluation and studies and to general improve Web presentation and utilization. 世界杯官方app也可以使用IP地址信息进行故障排除. 世界杯官方app可能会按照下面讨论的方式使用cookie.

Employee Applicants: 世界杯官方app仅在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下,收集和处理向世界杯官方app申请就业的个人的信息和敏感信息, 作为公立研究型高等教育机构的职能和责任 and employer under Texas and federal laws. 世界杯官方app将使用您在申请表上提供的详细信息, 连同所要求的证明文件, 其他细节由任何参考资料提供. Information and Sensitive Information is collected from applicants and shared with internal and external parties to identify you; process your application; verify information, employment suitability and eligibility; communications with you; regulatory reporting; auditing; 以及其他与大学有关的程序和职能.

Student Applicants and Students: 世界杯官方app仅在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下,收集和处理申请入读世界杯官方app或被录取的学生的个人信息和敏感信息, 作为公立研究型高等教育机构的职能和责任. 从学生那里收集信息,并与内部和外部各方共享,以注册或注册大学的人员, 为学生提供和管理住房, manage a student account, provide academic advising, 开发和实施教育项目, track academic progress, 分析和改进教育项目, recruitment, regulatory reporting, auditing, communicating, maintenance of accreditation, 以及其他与大学有关的程序和职能.

Employees世界杯官方app仅在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下收集和处理来自员工的信息和敏感信息, 作为公立研究型高等教育机构的职能和责任 and employer under Texas and federal laws. The University will keep a record of the details employees provided on their application form, 任何要求的证明文件和任何推荐人提供的额外细节,并在任何面试过程中记录. 我们将保留有关他们在世界杯官方app的就业和使用世界杯官方app提供的学术和非学术设施和服务的各种行政和财务记录. Information and Sensitive Information is collected to assess suitability for a particular role or task; to support in implementing any accommodations; where relevant, to monitor, evaluate and support research and commercialization activity; to administer remuneration, payroll, pension and other standard employment functions; to administer HR-related processes, 包括绩效/缺勤管理, disciplinary issues and complaints/grievances; to provide access to facilities, services and staff benefits, and where appropriate to monitor use of such in accordance with University policies; for communications; to support training, health, safety, welfare and religious requirements; to compile statistics and conduct surveys and research for internal and statutory reporting purposes; to fulfil and monitor 世界杯官方app responsibilities under equal access, right to work and public safety legislation; and to enable us to contact others in the event of an emergency.

Research Subjects: 世界杯官方app还收集和处理作为科学研究对象的个人提供的信息和敏感信息, historical research, or statistical purposes.

Retirees, Alumni, and Supporters: 世界杯官方app collects and processes Information and Sensitive Information from individuals who are 世界杯官方app alumni, its past, current and future supporters, whether donors, volunteers, 世界杯官方app成员组的参与者, or attendees at 世界杯官方app events only as necessary in the exercise of the University's legitimate interests, 作为公立研究型高等教育机构的职能和责任 under Texas and federal laws. Information and Sensitive Information is collected and shared with internal and external parties for communication purposes, surveys, providing services, solicitations, research, internal record keeping, and administrative purposes.


2. Email and Form Information

如果公众成员发送了包含个人身份信息的问题或评论的电子邮件,或填写了基于网络的表格, that information will only be used to directly respond to the requestor or send information regarding enrollment, 除非基于web的表单另有说明. The information will also be used in analyzing internet trends within the 世界杯官方app domain for future navigation enhancement. 索取资料的要求可直接向大学的其他部门提出, institution, government agency or person that may be in a better position to respond to the request.

除了受《世界杯官方app》管辖的记录, 经《世界杯官方app》修订的《世界杯官方app》或其他依法保密的信息, all information provided to and collected by 世界杯官方app may be subject to the Texas Public Information Act. Per Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to request access to certain information maintained by 世界杯官方app deemed public information. Under Section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to have 世界杯官方app correct public information about you 世界杯官方app maintains and that is incorrect, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the University of Texas System Business Procedures Memorandum 32. 世界杯官方app will retain and maintain collected public information as required by Texas records retention laws (Section 441.180 et seq. 《世界杯官方app》)和规则. Also, 应当指出的是,电子邮件和其他互联网通信渠道并不一定是安全的,不会被拦截. While we take precautions, 比如在适当的地方加密通信, if your communication is very sensitive or it includes information such as academic history or grades, 你可以用其他安全的方式发送.

3. Cookies

A "cookie" is a small file containing information that is placed on a user’s computer by a web server. 世界杯官方app可能存储在cookie中的任何信息仅用于内部目的,除非法律要求或法律允许披露,否则不会向外部方披露个人身份信息.

4. Logs and Network monitoring

用于网站管理功能, information is collected for analysis and statistical purposes of navigation trends to the 世界杯官方app server. This information is used to help diagnose problems with the server and to carry out other administrative tasks, 比如评估你最感兴趣的信息, determining technical design specifications and identifying system performance and/or problem areas.


  1. Hostname: The hostname and/or IP address of the computer requesting access to the site.
  2. User-Agent: The user-agent information includes the types and version of a particular internet browser, 以及运行它的操作系统.
  3. referer:客户端访问当前页面的网页.
  4. 系统日期:访问时服务器上的日期和时间.
  5. 完整请求:用户/客户机的确切请求.
  6. 状态:服务器返回的状态码,如.g.、请求已完成、文件未找到等.
  7. Content Length: The content length, in bytes, of the document sent to the user/client.
  8. Method:浏览器使用的请求方法.g., post, get.
  9. Universal Resource Identifier (URI): The location of the particular resources requested (URL).
  10. URI的查询字符串:URI中问号之后的任何内容.
  11. 协议:使用的传输协议和版本.g., ftp, http 1.0, etc.


5. Security

本网站有适当的安全措施,以防止损失, misuse, fraud, hacking and alteration of the information under the control of the 世界杯官方app web server administrators.

In case of a data breach or some other incident that places information held by the University in jeopardy, 立即通知首席信息安全官 informationsecurity@jinge0888.com.

6. Links

本网站包含到联合国以外其他网站的链接.edu domain. 世界杯官方app is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.

7. Data Protection Laws

Data protection laws exist within the states, the nation and in numerous other countries. 欧盟的《世界杯官方app》(GDPR)和中国的《世界杯官方app下载》(PIPL)涉及对欧盟和中国境内人员(“数据主体”)的人身保护, respectively, with regard to the processing of their personal data and rules relating to the movement of such data. There is no distinction based upon an individuals’ permanent place of residence or citizenship. For 世界杯官方app, 数据保护官包括首席法律官, 首席隐私官和首席信息安全官.


GDPR的适用范围也扩展到美国和欧盟以外处理欧盟居民“个人数据”的其他外国实体. 欲知详情,请参阅 Frequently Asked Questions regarding the GDPR. Additionally, 如果您将处理欧盟当前居民的个人数据, 然后向法律事务办公室咨询,填写“Lawful Basis Form,如收集敏感资料,则“Consent Form.”


Like GDPR, PIPL is a extra-territorial law applicable to entities doing business both within and outside of China that process personal information on natural persons with the territory of China for the purpose of (i) providing products or services to individuals in China; (ii) analyzing or assessing behavior of individuals in China; or (iii) for other purposes to be specified. Also similar to GDPR, PIPL需要数据处理的合法依据和特定的知情同意.


When information is submitted to 世界杯官方app in any form or you use 世界杯官方app’s websites or other services, 您特此同意收集, 如本声明所述,使用及披露该等资料. 如果您暂时或永久居住在欧盟或中国, 你有权要求查阅, a portable copy of, rectification, restriction in the use of, erasure or objection to your information maintained by 世界杯官方app in accordance with all applicable laws. 您的信息的删除将受适用的联邦和德克萨斯州法律的保留期限以及世界杯官方app的记录保留时间表的约束. 在收到您的请求之前,您也有权在不影响世界杯官方app使用信息的合法性的情况下撤回同意. 数据主体可通过联系世界杯官方app首席法律官和/或首席隐私官(邮箱:privacyofficer@utsa)行使其权利.edu.

If you feel 世界杯官方app has not complied with applicable foreign laws regulating such information, you have the right to file a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority in the European Union.

As a general rule, in cases where Texas or United States federal law conflicts with the laws of other countries in regard to the processing, 使用或维持资料当事人的个人资料, 包括GDPR或PIPL的规定, 世界杯官方app将以德克萨斯州和美国联邦法律为控制手段.


8. Choice/Opt-Out/Correct/Update

The libweb.jinge0888.com 网站为用户提供了以下审查选项, 删除或更正其公开信息:

Employees: To review, 更正或限制公布你的家庭住址, 家庭电话号码和紧急世界杯官方app, go to http://my.utshare.utsystem.edu 然后用你的my世界杯官方app ID和密码登录. Then, click on the “Employee Self-Service” tab and My Current Profile Link under the Personal Information section.

Students:限制目录信息的发布(参见 操作程序手册.01 获取所有目录信息的列表), student must fill out and file the “Restrict Student Directory Information Request” form with One Stop, which can be found at http://onestop.jinge0888.com/forms/registrar/. 选择退出世界杯官方app SMS/Text Messaging, 只需在发送短信的短代码或电话号码上发“停止”. 欲了解更多世界杯官方app短信信息,请参见 http://onestop.jinge0888.com/sms/.

就涉嫌违反隐私法的行为提出申诉, 您可以联系世界杯官方app机构合规部 & Risk Services Office at their toll-free number 877-270-5051 24 hours a day seven days a week or file an online report at http://www.reportlineweb.com/世界杯官方app.

所有其他问题可直接向 webteam@jinge0888.com.

9. Contacting the Web Site

如果您对本隐私声明有任何疑问, the practices of this site, 或您与本网站的交易, you can contact

University Web Team
University Marketing,
One 世界杯官方app Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644